Bluecollar specialises in providing medical and pharmaceutical companies with qualified operators that are trained initially in-house then sent to clients’ own facilities. The service includes the recruitment of personnel, provision of adequate training, supervision during the induction period and replacement of operators when required.
About us
Specialised in providing qualified operators
Bluecollar offers a worry-free and cost-effective solution with the added-value of training insourced personnel according to the latest standards in medical and pharmaceutical packing. It is a sister company of Valuepack B.V, a Dutch Contract Packing Organisation based in Nijmegen. After almost two decades providing assembling and packing services for the medical devices and pharmaceutical sectors, Valuepack launched in 2019 a dedicated service called Bluecollar for qualified operators.
Bluecollar and Valuepack are two independent entities working together towards exceeding customers’ expectations. For more information about Valuepack, go to